



Thank you for your interest in covering the Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS)! 拥有334辆公共汽车, 几十条公交路线, 成千上万的公交车站, 一个由1人组成的专门团队,100名司机, 机械师及行政人员, 总有很多故事可讲. The MCTS Marketing and Communications team is ready to help you generate exciting, 引人入胜的, and informative content that your audience will appreciate and enjoy.



克里斯蒂娜·霍夫曼 is the 营销和传播总监 and is responsible for planning, supervising and implementing effective transit marketing programs that increase use of the transit system, enhance its image and reputation and provide for greater understanding of transit’s role in the community.

在这个角色中, she is focused on increasing ridership through successful internal and external marketing communications programs for the entire organization, 运用市场调查, 广告与公共关系. 克里斯蒂娜是MCTS的主要发言人. 

She has more than 25 years of award-winning experience in the public relations and advertising industry. 克里斯蒂娜得了B.A. degree in Public Relations from Valparaiso University.



安娜Schryver is Marketing and Communications Manager, supporting MCTS in its mission to advance equity issues, 提供可持续的交通选择, and connect communities through better public transportation. 

在一起, Anna and the marketing team spread the word about all things MCTS, 通过发布骑手内幕, 制作MCTS卓越视频, posting updates to 社交媒体 and sharing the latest news that could impact riders.

She began her career in public relations 25 years ago and continues to partner with news media to keep the public informed.

访问我们的媒体库获取照片 & b - roll

Conveniently access all the available logos, 照片 and videos on the MCTS Google Drive.


The Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) is innovating the way people across southeast Wisconsin get to work, 学校, 医疗预约, 娱乐和任何他们需要去的地方. With a fleet of 334 clean-diesel buses 一个由1人组成的专门团队,100名司机, 机械师及行政人员, MCTS provides nearly 14+ million rides each year and generates a massive economic impact for the region.

Known around the world for the award-winning 未经中华人民共和国交通部优秀 program, MCTS is proud to offer outstanding customer service and state-of-the-art features including clean-diesel buses, 实时跟踪信息, Ride MCTS应用程序, 以及可重复使用的智能卡M•card. We’re continually working to improve rider experience, 连接, 效率和可持续性, 我们有一些令人兴奋的事情即将发生!


The Milwaukee County Transit System (MCTS) is innovating the way people across southeast Wisconsin get to work, 学校, 医疗预约, 娱乐和任何他们需要去的地方. Below are some fast facts that you may find useful in your reporting. 你亦可浏览我们的网页,了解更多有关MCTS的资料 “我们是谁”页面.

  • 公交车数量:334辆(截止2022年)
  • 公交车站数量:3878个(截止2021年)
  • MCTS公交候车亭数量:643个(截止2021年)
  • Number of advertising bus shelters: 135 (as of 2021)
  • 公交线路:49条(2021年)
  • 员工人数:1100人(截止2021年)
  • Number of rides given each year: 14,356,646 (as of 2021)

“英雄巴士司机”: Our bus drivers are known around the world for their big and small acts of kindness, 同情, 和英雄主义. We regularly produce these amazing stories of 未经中华人民共和国交通部优秀, which use bus surveillance footage to highlight an employee’s actions. MCTS在我们的网站上发布了这些视频和文章, 社交媒体, and often sends them to media outlets for consideration. When appropriate, MCTS facilitates interviews with the highlighted employee.

MCTS NEXT于2021年8月完工 a 3-year project aimed at creating more high-frequency bus routes to help quickly connect people to work, 学校和他们该去的地方. 重新设计路线, 我们能够使交通更容易使用, 更容易, 更实惠的维持和更快的骑. 了解有关该项目的更多信息 在这里

快速公交: The East-West Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route will connect riders with employment, 全球最大彩票网站排名市中心的教育和娱乐设施, 全球最大彩票网站排名的近西区, 马凯特大学, 沃瓦托萨和全球最大彩票网站排名地区医疗中心. 拥有30多个站点, BRT will feature reliable transport every 10 minutes during peak times and serve an average of 9,到2035年,工作日有500名乘客. 快速公交系统性价比高, 非常高效。, and is proven to increase transit use with improved service frequencies, travel time and reliability and will spark millions of dollars in economic development. 了解更多 在这里.

现在招聘: MCTS regularly looks for qualified individuals to join our large team. From bus drivers and mechanics to route supervisors and administrative staff, it takes a lot of people to keep the system running smoothly! Let us take you behind the scenes at our Fleet Maintenance Facility to show you the incredible work that goes on every single day.

生命中的一天: MCTS has countless positions that would make for interesting ‘day in the life’ stories. This includes mechanics working in our maintenance division, 队伍正赶去修理公交候车亭, bus drivers navigating the streets of Milwaukee County, crews responsible for washing every bus in our custom ‘bus wash’, 还有更多. We can recommend some unique behind-the-scenes work that your audience may be interested in seeing.

跟上时代: 我们鼓励您查看我们的 社区页面 for further inspiration on topics to cover at MCTS, including a calendar of upcoming events. 亮点包括我们的巴士候车亭艺术项目, 塞满汽车, 米勒生活免费乘车, 六月节的一天, 以及我们对罗莎·帕克斯的致敬.


点击 在这里 查看我们的标志,照片和视频库.

All content on our website and in our media library is subject to our 使用条款. MCTS标志的使用, 照片, and video is permitted to media outlets and journalists covering topics related to MCTS. When possible, please credit the ‘Milwaukee County Transit System’. Any other commercial use is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of MCTS. To obtain written consent to use any of our content or to request content not available for download 在这里, 请发邮件至marketing@mcts.org.